Solo Neos
I have decided to combine all solo neo projects into one listing! Here you can find all those who debuted or anything fun inspired by a solo neo :)
The first bookmarks are inspired by leader Taeyong and there is four currently. Three inspired by his first album. 'Shalala', '404 File Not Found', and 'Ruby'. The "Shalala" bookmark takes inspo from the music video itself like the clouds and the pizza. While the "404" and "Ruby" bookmark take inspiration directly from his album concepts!
The last bookmark inspired by Taeyong is a "Tap" bookmark. It is pink and also features little points from the music video.
The next two bookmarks are inspired by Ten and his solo works. The first is inspired by "Birthday", it is a MATTE bookmark and the words plus little chains are embossed silver. The next is inspired by "Nightwalker", it features his eyes in the background and the colors are similar to the jacket he was wearing in the music video.
The last two are inspired by Mark. While the first one isn't directly inspired by a solo song of his, I thought the quote "oh dude, he's flirting" would be fun on a bookmark. The last bookmark is inspired by his song "Golden Hour". I thought it would be fun to make these two bookmarks match so the colors are the same in both!
Bookmark info:
☾ 5 1/2 in. length & 1 7/8 in. width (14 cm by 4.5 cm)
☾ Name and logo are on the back of the bookmark
☾ Rounded edges
☾ Thick glossy paper